Powrót do listy ćwiczeń

Napisz następujące cyfry

1. a hundred and nine

2. eighty-seven

3. two hundred and fifty-two

4. three hundred and thirty-two

5. nine hundred and ninety-eight

6. two thousand and one

7. two million

8. two hundred thousand

9. fifty -one thousand, two hundred and ten

10. four thousand, nine hundred and twelve

11.  six thousand, eight hundred and ten

12. ten thousand, nine hundred and seven

Napisz słownie

1. 18

2. 90

3. 49

4. 71

5. 8

6. 64

7. 97

8. 23

9. 14

10. 56

11. 99

12. 87

Podaj liczebnik porządkowy.

1. 3rd

2. 9th

3. 21st

4. 30th

5. 14th

6. 5th

7. 2nd

8. 43rd

9. 1st

10. 10th

11. 67th


Napisz słownie daty.

1. 1.05.1984

2. 2. 01. 1567

3. 3.02. 1689

4. 4. 03. 2010

5. 7.04. 1999

6. 10.06.1789

7. 15.07.1956

8. 21.08.2005

9. 18.09.2001

10. 29.10.1324

11. 14.11.1410

12. 23.12.1967